
Lots of Dirt and Gossip

Peter Law Band at Facebook

Peter Law @ Myspace

This has not been updated in years - not much there - but it will be updated sometime in 2011. Click here for Pete's Myspace.
Peter Receives National Airplay

Pete Law gets some east coast airplay, including his version of Dylan’s “It takes a lot to laugh, it takes a train to Cry.” The cover song was played on WBAI-FM, on Bob Fass' "Radio Unnameable". Mr. Fass is credited with breaking many national acts. The track was recorded for a tribute CD titled “RMD does Dylan” – inspired by the readers of the internet newsgroup,
Comments from Pete's Facebook Page.

"When I played your demo from your website for my friends, they said you sound like Neil Young. Huh? Don't know where they get that from."

"Whoever your bandmate is who has the dog, tell him I'm in love with him. Or Zelda my dog is anyway."

"Just for the record, I don't think Hemingway drank Jack. It was that stuff with anise in it that turns cloudy when you pour water in it. Read "The Sun Also Rises" - I think that gives the details. Or maybe that's the book where the earth moves when they have sex -- I can't remember. Maybe "For Whom the Bell Tolls"? Anyway, the one that's about the bull fights has a lot of drinking in it. You get a hangover just from reading it."

"More music please!"

Friend Peter at Facebook.
Review Posted at "The Pool" as seen on CNN

“'Slow Train', and I love how it transitions from the spoken word piece to this funky dirty monkey rendition by Peter Law. Great name also – Peter Law I wonder if he is related to Peter Gunn (sorry bad joke). Seriously this version is smoking. This is the medicine I needed all day! D. Staley and Peter Law should join forces and tour the wild west no shit! I’d buy a ticket or beg everyone I know to buy me one. Why wasn’t Peter Law on that Gospel compilation that came out recently – he should have been. I love that verse about my (his) baby going to Illinois – God even before I thought I might understand what is meant by this verse I just dug it because it sounded so cool. Now I still think it sounds cool, but I can also relate to it and that is why Dylan just kills me – you mature and end up reconnecting to songs that initially meant or represented one thing to you and now may mean something else entirely different so instead of it just being some great song that reminds you of the time you........ you change and what the music means to you also changes – that’s true art and real life and I am digging it all!!!" This review was posted at by a contributor by the name of "Charlespoet".

